Schooner Camp
Schooner Camp2025 Registration Information: The 2025 Schooner Camp Registration will open at 12:00 Noon on Thursday, January 16, 2025. Please scroll down to the red box toward the bottom of this page. When registration opens, you'll find white hyperlinks to click on to start the registration process for each of the Sessions. You may need to "refresh" your browser to view all of the Sessions' links in the red box below as they go live. This may take about three-five minutes from opening registration as the database updates and the links appear on the website. Sell Out to Capacity Situations: If the Session fills, you will see when you click on the link that there are zero spaces remaining available for that Session. However, there will be a "Join Waitlist" button available. Parents are encouraged to register for the waitlist(s) for many of the Sessions they are interested in for their camper(s). There is no cost to be on the waitlist - no financial transactions occur. We will absolutely be in touch with parents should openings occur where we can accommodate your camper(s)! Thank you for your support and we look forward to another fantastic summer on the water with your campers! 2025 SESSIONS: Schooner Camp - Session 1: July 21st to July 25th Schooner Camp - Session 2: July 28th to August 1st Schooner Camp - Session 3: August 4th to August 8th Schooner Camp - Session 4: August 11th to August 15th THANK YOU! |